Running LLMs locally with Ollama, REST API and Page Assist

AI Assistant
Ruslan Elishaev
Cover Image for Running LLMs locally with Ollama, REST API and Page Assist


  • Set up Ollama to run LLMs locally on your machine
  • Learn how to interact with Ollama using its REST API
  • Install and configure Page Assist Chrome extension for a ChatGPT-like interface
  • Explore advanced usage and best practices for local LLM deployment


  1. Ollama and Page Assist are not replacements for cloud-based AI services
  2. Local LLMs with a user-friendly interface
  3. Ollama: Your gateway to local LLMs
  4. Getting started with Ollama
  5. Interacting with Ollama using REST API
  6. Page Assist: A Web UI for Local AI Models
  7. Setting up Page Assist
  8. Advanced usage and tips
  9. The outcome
  10. Resources

Ollama and Page Assist are not replacements for cloud-based AI services#

While Ollama and Page Assist provide powerful tools for running LLMs locally, they complement rather than replace cloud-based AI services. These tools offer unique advantages in terms of privacy, customization, and offline capabilities.

Local LLMs with a user-friendly interface#

Imagine having the power of advanced AI models right on your local machine, with an interface as sleek as ChatGPT. That's exactly what the combination of Ollama and Page Assist offers to full-stack developers. Whether you're prototyping AI-powered applications or exploring natural language processing, these tools provide a robust and user-friendly solution.

Ollama: Your gateway to local LLMs#

Ollama simplifies the process of running large language models on your local machine. It provides an easy way to download, run, and manage various LLMs, making it an excellent choice for developers who want to experiment with AI without relying on cloud-based services.

Getting started with Ollama#

  1. Installation

    For macOS and Linux:

    curl | sh
  2. Running your first model

    After installation, start using Ollama right away:

    ollama run llama3.1:latest
  3. Basic interactions

    Once the model is running, you can start interacting with it:

    > Write a simple Python function to calculate the factorial of a number.
    Here's a simple Python function to calculate the factorial of a number:
    def factorial(n):
        if n == 0 or n == 1:
            return 1
            return n * factorial(n-1)
    # Usage example:
    result = factorial(5)
    print(result)  # Output: 120

Interacting with Ollama using REST API#

Ollama provides a REST API that allows you to interact with your local models programmatically. This is particularly useful for integrating LLMs into your applications or scripts.

  1. Starting the Ollama server

    Before using the REST API, make sure the Ollama server is running:

    ollama serve
  2. Basic API Usage

    Here's a Python example of how to use the Ollama REST API:

    import requests
    import json
    def query_ollama(prompt, model="llama3.1"):
        url = "http://localhost:11434/api/generate"
        payload = {
            "model": model,
            "prompt": prompt
        response =, json=payload)
        if response.status_code == 200:
            return response.json()['response']
            return f"Error: {response.status_code}, {response.text}"
    # Example usage
    result = query_ollama("Explain the concept of recursion in programming.")
  3. Advanced API Features

    The Ollama API also supports more advanced features like streaming responses and setting model parameters:

    import requests
    import json
    def stream_ollama(prompt, model="llama3.1"):
        url = "http://localhost:11434/api/generate"
        payload = {
            "model": model,
            "prompt": prompt,
            "stream": True
        with, json=payload, stream=True) as response:
            for line in response.iter_lines():
                if line:
                    decoded_line = line.decode('utf-8')
                      json_line = json.loads(decoded_line)
                      print(json_line['response'], end='', flush=True)
                    except json.JSONDecodeError:
                      print(f"Error decoding JSON: {decoded_line}")
    # Example usage
    stream_ollama("Write a short story about a robot learning to paint.")

This API allows for greater flexibility in how you interact with your local LLMs, enabling integration into various applications and workflows.

Page Assist: A Web UI for Local AI Models#

While Ollama provides a powerful command-line interface and REST API, many developers prefer a more visual and interactive experience. This is where Page Assist comes in. Page Assist is a Chrome extension that offers a ChatGPT-like user interface for interacting with your local AI models.

Setting up Page Assist#

  1. Install the Chrome Extension

  2. Configure Page Assist

    • Click on the Page Assist icon in your Chrome toolbar
    • In the settings menu, ensure that the Ollama API endpoint is set correctly (usually http://localhost:11434)
    • Click on "Save Settings" to apply your changes
  3. Using Page Assist

    • Click on the Page Assist icon to open the interface
    • Use the model selector dropdown to choose which Ollama model you want to use
    • Start typing your questions or prompts in the input box
    • Press Enter or click the send button to submit your query

Advanced usage and tips#

  1. Managing multiple models with Ollama

    ollama list  # List available models
    ollama pull modelname  # Download a new model
    ollama rm modelname  # Remove a model
  2. Customizing model parameters Create a Modelfile to specify parameters:

    FROM llama3.1
    PARAMETER temperature 0.7
    PARAMETER top_k 40
    PARAMETER top_p 0.9

    Then create your custom model:

    ollama create mycustommodel -f Modelfile
  3. Best practices for using local LLMs

The outcome#

With Ollama, its REST API, and Page Assist set up, you now have a powerful local LLM setup with multiple ways to interact:

  • Run various LLM models locally
  • Interact with models using a command-line interface
  • Integrate LLMs into your applications using the REST API
  • Use a ChatGPT-like interface with Page Assist
  • Customize and fine-tune models for specific use cases

This versatile setup allows you to leverage the power of LLMs in various scenarios while maintaining control over your data and resources.


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