When you start a new project, everything goes well. But when a project grows, it becomes a mess.
If it's a monorepo and there are lots of developers involved, it becomes a huge mess.
That mess can be cleaned up by updating your dependencies, removing unused imports and chunks of code, removing unused files and dependencies.
Keeping your project updated, clean and organized will help you to get a better build time, increase your productivity and reduce the risk of bugs.
Remove unused dependencies with depcheck#
Depcheck is a tool for analyzing the dependencies in a project to see: how each dependency is used, which dependencies are useless, and which dependencies are missing from package.json.
In the root of your project, run the following command:
npx depcheck
Unused dependencies
* @fontsource/inter
* @fontsource/playfair-display
Unused devDependencies
* @types/react-syntax-highlighter
Run the following command to remove the unused dependencies:
yarn remove @fontsource/inter @fontsource/playfair-display @types/react-syntax-highlighter
Now, after we cleaned up our package.json, we can move to the next step.
Update dependencies with outdated command#
The outdated
command will show you all the outdated dependencies in your project.
Run with npm or yarn:
npm outdated
yarn outdated
yarn outdated v1.22.15
info Color legend :
"<red>" : Major Update backward-incompatible updates
"<yellow>" : Minor Update backward-compatible features
"<green>" : Patch Update backward-compatible bug fixes
Package Current Wanted Latest Package Type URL
lodash 4.15.0 4.15.0 4.16.4 devDependencies https://github.com/lodash/lodash#readme
underscore 1.6.0 1.6.0 1.8.3 dependencies https://github.com/jashkenas/underscore#readme
next-seo 4.28.1 4.29.0 5.1.0 dependencies https://github.com/garmeeh/next-seo#readme
✨ Done in 0.72s.
We can see that lodash and underscore are outdated to their latest versions.
next-seo package is outdated to the wanted and latest version.
After deciding which dependencies to update, we can run the following command to update them to the wanted version:
yarn upgrade next-seo
Upgrading to the latest version:
yarn upgrade lodash@latest next-seo@latest
Find unused source files with unimported#
By removing unused source files, you can reduce the size of your project, improve the build time, and enhance readability. Let's see how to find unused source files with the superb unimported tool.
unimported analyzes your code by following the require/import statements starting from your entry file.
Running unimported inside the root of next.js project:
npx unimported
summary unimported v1.19.1 (next)
entry file 1 : ./pages/_app.tsx
entry file 2 : ./pages/_document.tsx
entry file 3 : ./pages/about.tsx
entry file 4 : ./pages/api/hello.ts
entry file 5 : ./pages/api/watch-project.tsx
entry file 6 : ./pages/favorite-tools.tsx
entry file 7 : ./pages/index.tsx
entry file 8 : ./pages/posts/[slug].tsx
entry file 9 : ./pages/projects.tsx
unresolved imports : 1
unused dependencies : 2
unimported files : 4
│ 1 unresolved imports
1 │ unist
│ 2 unused dependencies
1 │ next-remote-watch
2 │ prettier
│ 4 unimported files
1 │ components/copy-button.tsx
2 │ components/unused.tsx
3 │ next-sitemap.config.js
4 │ next.config.js
There is 4 unimported files, 2 of them are config files related to next.js. The rest are unused components.
Safely remove those unused files.
Remove unused imports with eslint-plugin-unused-imports#
It's happening to all of us. We are importing a component that is not used in the file.
Sometimes we are keeping the component in the file to use it in the future, and sometimes we are just too lazy to remove it.
Removing unused imports is a good practice to keep the code clean and easy to read.
In addition to that, it helps to reduce bundle size.
Let's take a look at the following code:
import path from 'path'
import { shuffle } from '../utils'
import type {Product} from '../types'
export function randomizeProducts(products: Product[]) {
return shuffle(products)
Notice that path package is unused.
eslint-plugin-unused-imports will help us to remove it automatically and throw an error if it's not removed.
Add unused-imports to the plugins section of your .eslintrc configuration file. You can omit the eslint-plugin- prefix:
"plugins": ["unused-imports"]
Then configure the rules you want to use under the rules section. I can recommend adding a check for underscores, e.g.
"rules": {
"no-unused-vars": "off", // or "@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars": "off",
"unused-imports/no-unused-imports": "error",
"unused-imports/no-unused-vars": [
{ "vars": "all", "varsIgnorePattern": "^_", "args": "after-used", "argsIgnorePattern": "^_" }
Now Eslint wil throw an error if we keep the unused import.
ESLint: 'path' is defined but never used.(unused-imports/no-unused-imports)
The outcome#
Keep the code clean and easy to read. Get rid of unused stuff. I will recommend removing any unused peace of code, console.logs, and comments.
Don't keep unused stuff because you will need it in the future. We have git for that.
Keep up the good work! 🦾 🦾 🦾